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Island Time

Aaron Lober
Aaron Lober
November 18, 2018

Seemingly it’s a concept without a place in today’s high-speed rat race. Island time asks that we move at a pace that befits our whims and not the dictates of our professional life. Island time says “take your time, enjoy yourself”, “Where are you rushing off to? There’s only so far you can go.”

Photo by @isabelstudios

Sometimes I don’t know what to do with sentiments like that. My life on the mainland has been dedicated to a flat-out sprint through my late twenties, trying to carve out a space that’s mine in a culture that doesn’t reward complacency. Sitting in a small cafe, amidst the morning foot traffic of Old San Juan, Puerto Rico however, this type of mindful, present existence seems attainable.

It’s my first time in Puerto Rico and I’m taking lessons from the people wherever I can. They have a rich culture, with influences from native Islanders, the Spanish and African slaves brought over during the 16-1700’s.  Unremarkably, these vibrant people have been under economic assault from American corporate interests, intent on driving them out of their Island paradise for over half a century. The hurricane last year, and the aftermath that saw so many lose their lives, is only the latest in a litany of challenges to their continued existence. Yet, the people I meet still express a dogged optimism that I’ve rarely encountered elsewhere.

What’s maybe most remarkable to me, is that this constant battling just to survive hasn’t completely eroded ideas like Island Time. In fact, it seems to have done the exact opposite. The attitude of most Puerto Ricans I meet is “life is short, so enjoy it”. “Work hard, don’t relinquish an inch when pushed but keep your perspective on what’s important.”


What attracts me to wine? It’s a similar set of core concepts. “Enjoy what’s in front of you right now.” “There is a depth to this experience that you will cherish if you have the courage to slow down and explore it”. Trips like this one are important for me if I’m going to stay grounded to what’s really important in my life. So, when we inevitably return to the mainland I’m going to renew my commitment to slowing down. I’m going to take longer, more interested looks at the beauty I’m surrounded by. I’m going to spend more time dancing in the street with Geena and I’m going to appreciate every note from each sip of wine I take.

With that renewed appreciation for experience in mind, we’ve got some really exciting new varietals coming that I can’t wait for you all to enjoy. The sparkling PET NAT rosé of Cab Franc, in particular, is going to knock everyone’s socks off. This is the type of wine that calls for you to slow down and really explore it.

Enjoy your Island Time.

Aaron Lober

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