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Aaron Lober
Aaron Lober
October 29, 2018


This is rapidly becoming the most common justification in our household for any type of risk taking. At the micro level, questions like “Want to do a half century bike ride From Santa Barbara to Thousand Oaks?” tend to receive a pretty carefree response…”Wine-Not?”

“Wine-Not” can also have much more lasting, consequential repercussions. As in; “Should we start a company together?” or “Will you marry me?”…. Wine-Not.

So much of our life involves risk taking that “Wine-Not” has become part of a short hand Geena and I have developed to communicate our mutual support for one another. From the outside our lives probably appear to be a maelstrom of activity. But together, the frenetic pace has always seemed manageable. I’ve even come to embrace it over time. These days, sitting still seems harder than chasing the horizon.

Dedication to the “Wine-Not” lifestyle keeps us seeking out the new and interesting, such as Bret Urness’ Levo Wines. Bret quickly made a name for himself after opening up his tasting room in Paso Robles’ Tin City.  He adheres to this risky lifestyle as well, by pushing away the tantalizing voice of compromise and overused ideas of traditional winemaking. “Wine-not” try something new? Bret’s Petite Sirah caught our attention and immediately separated itself from the sea of other Rhone varietals produced in Paso Robles. Grapes sourced from Santa Barbara County, subjected to just the perfect regimen of oak, Wine-Not? The fruit explodes from this wine while maintaining a balanced finish that could make a Master Somm blush.

The risk taking philosophy of “Wine-Not” is the core of our brand. We take chances with small producers every day. Every time we solidify a partnership with a new winemaker we put our faith in you, our wine loving followers. We put our faith in your ability to recognize the wheat from the chaff. We take these chances at the beginning of the winemaker’s journey because they will someday be the next great “big” producers and we want you, our members, to be the first of your friends to discover these up and comers.

“Wine-Not” take a chance and join our club today. Become a part of this awesome journey of discovery. After all, life’s too short to drink bad wine.

Aaron Lober

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